Bowen Island Yacht Club 604-349-8566

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CANSail 1 (Ages 10+)

Participants must be able to swim. No previous sailing experience required. Optimist sailboats.

CANSail 1 introduces youth to the sport of sailing in a fun and safe environment, where little or no previous sailing experience is required. CANSail 1 sailors learn a variety of skills including boat safety, sailing basics, terminology and knots. Students sail alone or in pairs providing opportunities for teamwork with new and old friends. A minimum of two weeks of sailing is required to complete this level. The two weeks can be taken seperately with CANSail Introduction followed by CANSail 1 Accreditation. Please note that accreitation is never guaranteed as sailors need to aquire all necessary skills before moving on to CANSaill 2/3.

CanSail 1 Introduction

1 left  (waitlist available)
must be born on or before December 31, 2014

CanSail 1 Accreditation

3 left  (waitlist available)
must be born on or before December 31, 2014

CanSail 1 Introduction

9 left  (waitlist available)
must be born on or before December 31, 2014

CanSail 1 Accreditation

9 left  (waitlist available)
must be born on or before December 31, 2014
CANSail 1/2 or 2/3 (Ages 11+)

Participants must be able to swim and have previously completed CANSail 1. Lasers and RS Fevas.

CANSail 2 offers young sailors the opportunity to review and master skills previously learned, to sail with confidence and to perform basic sailing skills proficiently. Emphasis is on safety, seamanship, man overboard rescues, and right of way rules. Two sailors per boat creates teamwork in a fun and rewarding social environment. A minimum of two weeks of sailing is required to complete this level.

CANSail 3 sailors will refine and improve their skills from CANSail 2 to become more confident sailing alone and in pairs. CANSail 3 introduces boat tuning, sail trim, backwards sailing, roll tacking and surfing. All sailors are given opportunities to apply their individual sailing skills and sail with friends. A minimum of two weeks of sailing are required to complete this level.

CANSail 1/2

10 left  (waitlist available)
must be born on or before December 31, 2013

CANSail 2/3

4 left  (waitlist available)
must be born on or before December 31, 2013

CANSail 2/3

10 left  (waitlist available)
CANSail 3/4 (Ages 11+)

Participants must be able to swim and must have previously completed CANSail 2. Lasers and RS Fevas.

CANSail 3 and 4 sailors are challenged to perfect their sailing skills in heavier wind conditions, both individually and in pairs. Typically two weeks are required to complete CanSail 3 and, three to four weeks of sailing are required to complete level 4. CANSail 4 is an introduction to racing and sailors must compete in a regatta.

CANSail 4

7 left  (waitlist available)
must be born on or before December 31, 2012
WetFeet (ages 7-10)

No previous sailing experience required. Optimist sailboats.

Young sailors learn new skills in small groups using games and interactive lessons on land and on water. With our fleet Optimist sailboats, the fundamentals of boat safety, rigging, terminology and points of sail are taught with fun in mind! Students learn to sail in pairs to develop teamwork with new and old friends. A minimum of one week of sailing is required to complete this level. Many sailors repeat Wetfeet as there is much to learn and much fun to be had.


1 left  (waitlist available)
must be born on or before December 31, 2017


7 left  (waitlist available)
must be born on or before December 31, 2017


10 left  (waitlist available)
must be born on or before December 31, 2017


9 left  (waitlist available)
must be born on or before December 31, 2017
Commodore's Cup Regatta

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2 left  (waitlist available)

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